Tuesday, July 1, 2014


 "You never change things by fighting the existing reality;  to change something you must build a new model that makes the old model obsolete."

Antibiotics were created and people could survive once deadly infections.  Anesthesia and pain meds were created and pain could instantly be controlled.  The old health care model became obsolete because who does not want to be instantly cured?  So it is no surprise to me that society resists changing and does not want to think differently.  We start to think that if a little piece of candy is good, more might even be better.

It does not surprise me that with more candy, antibiotics, pain killers, antidepressants, immunizations, GMO's, and so many environmentally toxic things that make life "easier".....   people are becoming sick. It doesn't surprise me that only when the sickness becomes bad enough, we begin to recognize a need to change the existing model.

An old Chinese proverb says it well, "When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.".

I see walls every time a patient tells me they cannot live without their antacids, pain killers, antidepressants, sodas...  because who does not want to be instantly cured?  I see walls when they tell me I don't understand.  I understand that if we all think the same, nobody thinks very much.  I understand I must think differently or there can be no change.

In a society of processed foods and instant fixes we all resist change.  We do not want to believe our guts can break down and become leaky.  We do not want to believe the pills that instantly take away our pain might be causing so many more problems.  By the time we are willing to accept the current model of health care is obsolete we wonder how to build a windmill when we have never seen one.

Instead of antacids I support my gut with organic, unprocessed foods whenever possible, supplements, and alternative therapies like NAET, acupuncture, chiropractic and would even resort to a fecal transplant before turning to antacids.  Instead of antibiotics I continually work at keeping my immune system strong by keeping my gut strong, trying to avoid sugar, regular sleep patterns, regular exercise, social and spiritual growth.  By doing all these things and more I believe my system will not break down to the point where I will need antidepressants and pain killers, but if necessary for my survival I know they are available.  If I want our model of health care to change, I must become the change I want to see.

My windmill is probably more like a pinwheel, but we all have to start somewhere.  Just maybe for one person I can be that person who changed everything.

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