Sometimes it feels like I'm swimming out in the ocean and I'm the only one who can hear that music they play in movies that let's you know jaws is coming. I'm screaming "Get out! Get out!" and nobody can hear me....
Seventeen years ago when I started practice I saw very few people under the age of twenty, and when I did they almost always recovered withing a couple treatments. Today children make up a significant part of my practice, and are not responding so quickly. In 1994 the Surgeon General stated that children today are expected to have shorter life splans than their parents, it put a statistic to what I was already seeing. Since that statement twelve years ago, chronic health problems in young people have doubled to one out of every four chilfren. Today as a general rule, my Medicare aged patients are on fewer drugs and suffer fewer complaints than patients twenty years younger.
It surprised me to discover that although it sounded like a shocking epidemic, some people have been trying to convey this message for years. In the 1930's Max Gershon was treating patients with all sorts of ailments with natural and less toxic foods. In 1942 Pottenger published a ten year study on cats that documented progressively deteriorating health with each generation of cats given processed foods (much like what I am seeing today). Even when the processed food was changed back to raw foods, the younger generation did not overcome all of their health problems.
Much like the children I see today in practice, I am at least a second generation cat. I spent much of my childhood riddled with severe headaches, depression, weight loss, fainting spells, and insomnia. I would go to one doctor after the next searching for a solution. I was poked and proded in what felt like everyway possible and told everything was 'normal'. So unlike most people my age in society today who experienced a headache or flu and was cured by a pill, I learned that pills and doctors couldn't fix me.
At thirteen years old I gave up sugars and was counting carbs way before it was a popular thing to do. I felt a lot better physically, but emotionally I wanted to be just like eveyone else - I wanted sugar. I read every book on sugar balance I could get my hands on trying to figure out how to fix me. It was like searching for that perfect outfit and never finding it.
Looking back on my life I can see my path chose me more than I chose it. Every person I have met, each pain and new experience, every path I crossed leading me to where I am today. When I was young I didn't even know what a chiropractor was, I dreamed of becoming a famous writer. Yet I have no doubt that I am exactly wher I am intended to be.
It is easy to find a comfortable place on a path and not feel like moving on. This is usually when I believe God starts sending me subtle messages. One patient after the next came to me complaining of hormone or other pains that they seemed unable to find answers for. It was easy to send them to one doctor and then another. Then one patient after the next returned to tell me their doctor ran one test after the next only to find nothing wrong. It was a story I was all to familiar with, and I still didn't get the message. I had to experience the frustration all over again for myself. While eating 500 to 800 calories a day with a physical job and swimming five to six miles a week, weight was creeping on. I went to my general practioner and then to my OBGYN and everything was "normal????" "Just a part of getting older????"
Many classes and much personal healing later I have discovered what innately I already knew, it was not normal. I believe intuitively we al know what ails us, and the path we must take to find healing. My eyes have been opened to an entirely new world.
Note: In future blogs I will talk more about hormone balance, however if you are interested in what I found to be the best lay book out there on thyroid I would suggest "Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal?" by Datis Kharrazian
Glad you started this Carol! I value your opinion as a friend who is many miles down a trail that most Americans don't travel but which I have had my eyes on for at least the last five years as I get older and things I used to take for fitness and pain-free living....are becoming a distant memory. I would tend to agree that processed food in America is enriching food "manufacturers" and killing our slowly that we almost don't see it happening. It is too easy to eat junk and the quantities we are served is equally harmful. Look forward to learning more!
ReplyDeleteMaybe some recommendations on books that make eating well easy would be good.
Thank you!!
Well put Rod. Thank you!! Eating well is easy.. if God didn't make it, you probably shouldn't eat it. Books making it easy? Hmmmm.... maybe I'll do a blog on that sometime.
ReplyDeleteAlways appreciate your positive outlook.