Friday, September 14, 2012

Healing from the Inside Out

Growing up I don't recall my parents ever raising their voices in anger towards me or each other, not even when I totalled three cars within three months while learning to drive.  So on the rare occasion someone does yell or become angry with me it is very upsetting to me.  It is difficult for me to cope with anger directed towards me from anyone.  When this happens, I remind myself that I am not the cause of their anger.

Since anger and difficulty coping are caused by the way we choose to react, I know it is also possible to choose to react differently. When others lash out at me, their problem is not with me, it is with themselves, just as my difficulty coping is not because of them but the way I have chosen to respond.  Sometimes it is simply a misunderstanding or miscommunication of a situation.  Sometimes the source of their anger runs much deeper than that.  I remind myself that anger and other negative behaviors stem from people not realizing their own true greatness.  I remind myself how difficult it is even for me to open my heart and show concern for someone as they yell at me.  But when I allow my own greatness to shine, it is easier to cope.  When I allow my own greatness to shine, it becomes more difficult for people to stay angry at me because they know I can see that they are great as well.

When I release all concern about how others feel about me and focus only on how I feel about them, I will understand who I really am and discover where true healing really begins.  It is easy to focus on my own anger wondering how a person (usually with financial means greater than my own) could yell at me because they are responsible to pay for services rendered to them.  It is harder to look beyond how they feel about me, and recognize how I feel about them.  It is impossible for me to recognize the greatness of others if I judge them to be less than great.  It is impossible for me to allow my own greatness to shine if I do not recognize that all people have greatness within them. 

Recognizing my own greatness, and that all peoples are born great is the first step to healing from the inside out.  Chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, good nutrition and supplements are just a few ways I enhance my health and ability to heal from the outside in.  But I believe that to truly heal we must do so from the inside out. I read stories about people who heal from incurable diseases like multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease and many more. People who recover often refer to a variety of outside in changes, but the common thread seems to be the inside out description of their recovery as a process of changing who they are which allows their own greatness to shine.  Sometimes even when we do allow our own greatness to shine we may not recover because our worldly bodies have limitations.  God does not make mistakes, every disease and every person has a purpose. Healing from the inside out happens when I allow my own greatness to shine and simply be. 

Note:  this is a hypothetical argument not based on any specific person or incident.