If normal is merely the average of all the abnormals, then I am definitely on the abnormal side of the social spectrum. I don't watch television, tweet, eat fast food or flour, and repeatedly admit to being clueless when it comes to mainstream behavior. However I do fall victim to the occasional computer video games where I sometimes discover things I never knew about mainstream thinking. One such time was a while playing "family feud" I discovered 70% of people would go to the store to buy medicine for a cold and 0% would buy vitamins.
It is my belief that if we want to improve our health; cure cancer and other devastating diseases with ever increasing incidences, we need to change the way we think. Antibiotics, steroid allergy medicine, antacids, immunizations, and medications of all kinds can be lifesaving, life enhancing and necessary means to survive. BUT ALL medication is intended to chemically alter your body's normal biochemistry. Many medications are sold as treatments for things only because it was discovered during testing of the drug that it had that particular "side effect".... in other words the pharmaceutical companies have no idea how these medications will alter your body chemistry, they have no idea what they will do to you.
Most people find it shocking that my fifteen year old daughter has never taken a course of antibiotics. I find it shocking that people find this shocking. Why would you choose to chemically alter your biochemistry with a medication if your body is able to fight off the disease itself? The first step to changing our mindset is to realize that our body has the ability to heal itself.
Once you change your biochemistry with food additives, genetic modification, drugs (prescription or street), or any number of ways - most people's health will continue to deteriorate - read my blog on antacids which details out how one simple over the counter drug can lead to a cascade of problems. It is essential to ask yourself, is taking this medication essential to my immediate survival or worth the probability of gradually deteriorating health? There are many instances where the answer will be yes. However the second step to changing our mindset is to stop taking medication as the first response and allow our body time to heal.
There is an old quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". So if you want to decrease pain, decrease heart risk, decrease blood sugar, decrease cancer risk you cannot expect to continue with the same lifestyle or make minimal changes and see any significant change in your health. Do you consume at least 17 fruits/veggies a day? Do you exercise at least 4 times a week? Do you minimize your exposure to food additives and other chemicals? What do you do to improve emotional and spiritual well being? If we want to change our mindset, we need to take responsibility for our own health.
Every time we choose a flu vaccine, Tylenol, or any medication we depend on pharmaceutical companies and not our own body's ability to heal. We biochemically alter our body by doing so, which eventually results in the need to biochemically alter our body more just to survive of "feel normal". Do you notice how many new drug stores keep popping up? I see more and more, younger and younger people taking medication than ever before. Many people are using antidepressants for thyroid or other unrelated problems. Studies have shown herbal remedies to be more effective than antidepressants for treatment of depression. Herbal remedies are less likely to adversely alter our biochemistry, and more likely to enhance our body's innate ability to heal. Do you think it is by accident that insurances will pay for prescription medications but not herbal remedies? Our current system is designed to sell drugs that can be pattened by select groups. Studies show people over the age of 80 will increase their risk of death on cholesterol lowering drugs but I see it being prescribed to them all the time. (A statistic most doctors don't know because they take continuing education sponsored by the same drug companies manufacturing these medications)
If we truly want to see our health as a nation improve we will not continue to use drugs as our first choice; we will not continue to do the same thing over and over and expect a differnet result. We will research all options available to us and read the plethora of new research unrelated to drug therapy. We will seek out alternatives. We will educate ourselves with more than the mass media information put out by these same pharmaceutical companies. We cannot expect our government to make the changes necessary when we ourselves do not. We can expect that government health care will perpetuate the current trend of increasing perscription drug use, increasing genetic modification and food additives, and decreasing payment and therefore quality of your medical doctors. If we are unwilling to change why would our government?
In my world I enhance my immune system instead of taking a flu shot or medication. In my world, I make health choices based on what is best for me not for for fear of getting cancer, pain, or heart diesease. I believe that no matter what ails me, it is simply my body expressing a desire to change what I think, feel, ingest, and do. I hope one day I am a little less abnormal, not because I change what I think, but because the world around me starts to believe their body is capable of healing itself.